Ceragem is a therapeutic infrared massage bed created through the combination of Ancient Eastern Healing and Modern Western technology to assist in balancing the entire body structure. Ceragem uses the principles of chiropractic, acupressure, thermal therapy, and deep tissue massage to provide a fully customized massage. Ceragem features jade mineral stone rollers with infrared heat spin in circular motions while administering gentle pressure and massaging your back from the base of the skull all the way to the bottom of the spine.
Infrared heat permeates deep into skin (up to 5 cm) to provide natural pain relief. Infrared heat produces vasodilation which delivers strong benefits to the neck, lumbar spine, thorax, and pelvis area by increasing oxygen intake, promoings pain management and speeding up healing process.
Infrared also helps increase metabolism which results in a better oxygen and nutrients supply to cells. As our cells absorbs far infrared heat, it causes a physical phenomenon called resonance, where the cells are given strength and energy to circulate blood throughout the body. This helps improve blood circulation, increase metabolism and improve digestive system.
The presence of toxins in our body lowers effective blood circulation, infrared heat helps to break down water molecules containing toxins such as carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, lead and mercury. The detoxification by infrared heat eliminates fatty deposits in our body, it also tightens muscles and reduces the appearance of cellulite. Breathing patterns can improve as well, by minimizing respiratory difficulties such as asthma and bronchitis.
Ceragem therapy provides emotional benefits and helps relax your body and mind, this results in a calm state of mind, alertness and increased capacity for clear thinking.
Ceragem in known to have no side effects and is safe to use for adults and children with back pain issues. Ceragem Therapy has been clinically proven to reduce back pain and multiple body aches.
Ceragem uses non-invasive acupressure, gentle spine stretching and adjustment, deep tissue massage, and Far-infrared Heat designed to work simultaneously to:
Ceragem can also help with:
Sessions are 30 or 60 minutes. .
I usually recommend that people have 1-2 sessions per month for health maintenance, and 1-2 per week to facilitate the body to heal itself if you are dealing with health issues.
Recommended to dress comfortably for your session. Drink plenty of pure water on the day of the session. Eat lightly prior to session.
People commonly feel more free in their spine, relaxed, emotionally balanced, and/or revitalized and rejuvenated.
Sessions on the Ceragem Massage Bed are safe to use for all ages and does not have any adverse side effects. Ceragem is clinically proven to reduce back pain and several other body aches. For athletes, Ceragem provides natural performance improvement and quickens recovery. Ceragem can help fitness trainers, dancers, bodybuilders, runners and others do better what they love to do.
Ceragem Massage Bed is contraindicated and NOT recommended for the following conditions.
Ceragem Bed session is great add-on to any other SERVICE.
I had a pain in the bottom of my back for years. I put it down to getting older. After around 6-8 sessions the pain went. I truly don't understand why but I'm so happy that I feel normal again.
Wow! This was a great experience! I walked out feeling great!
I came in with upper back tension and I left feeling refreshed and over all better.
I have chronic neck and lower back pain. This treatment has really helped loosen my spine.
I left feeling like jello and I definitely feel like I benefited from the hour. My back is a little bit sore but in a good way. This is a different way to get a massage and treat pain, and I'm very thankful tto have tried this.
My muscles are loosened up & I'm feeling as limber as a cat.
Ceragem Massage Bed - A Revolutionary Approach to Pain Relief & Enhancing Immunity
Copyright © 2018 Perfect Balance Therapies - All Rights Reserved.
DISCLAIMER: While many have experienced healing during or after sessions, Sharon Walsh makes no claims, promises or guarantees of any particular outcome, does not diagnose illness, disease or any other physical or mental disorder or prescribe pharmaceuticals/medical treatments. Sharon facilitates healing with the heartfelt intent that the client’s greatest good manifest, whatever that may be. You are solely responsible for consulting your doctor and continuing with your own medical treatment to treat specific health issues or challenges that you are dealing with.
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